Sunday, May 10, 2020

Themes Of A Bible Teacher Essay - 2481 Words

THEMES (Adapted from Doriani) A Bible teacher will often be called on to answer a topical question. The question could relate to a topic in the culture, a topic in the church, or a personal question about life. The Bible is relevant to address the most pressing questions of our day! How do we work toward an understanding of the entire Bible’s teaching on a particular topic? 1. Begin with one central text. Is there a clear and extended passage that addresses the topic? Give preference to a passage that addresses a matter in detail. Homosexuality – Romans 1 2. Distinguish between the concept and the Biblical term(s) that describe it. Consider synonyms. Does Jesus use the word â€Å"homosexuality†? Nowhere in the gospels. But, it would have been included in his understand of â€Å"fornication.† 3. Survey and integrate the Biblical data. Find all the related texts. Use cross-references, Bible dictionaries, concordances, and theological resources. Piece together the information in a way that allows the message of each passage to stand. 4. Consider how the topic relates to the larger themes in Scripture: the nature of God, the nature of man, the hope of the gospel. OBLIGATIONS â€Å"The proper goal of interpretation is application.† (Doriani, p 6) WHICH BIBLICAL COMMANDS APPLY TODAY? (Adapted from Plummer and McCune) 1. Consider whether or not the command is covenant-bound. Many commands contained in the Mosaic law were not inherently moral, but were practical, civil, or ceremonial.Show MoreRelatedEffective Bible Teaching The Authors Discuss The Merits Of A Bible1338 Words   |  6 PagesIn the book Effective Bible Teaching the authors discuss the merits of â€Å"topic and theme† and how we can use this to help prepare a bible lesson verses an essay. In this section the authors argue the universal principles of good writing, speaking and teaching and what the different handbooks say about composing a good essay. 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