Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Personal Narrative My Wonderful Class - 1187 Words

Well hello my wonderful class! The teacher bellowed. How s my favorite class doing? Everyone cheers and that s when her eyes land on me. Well look at this class, we have a new student! Everyone turns around to look at me, I awkwardly wave at everyone. Yasmine? I look to my teacher. If you don t mind could you come down and sing for us? I m shocked, I didn t think she ll put me on the spot like that. Uhh I-I m not- I stuttered trying to find the right words to say but in my head I m like hell no! Well Ms. Bowie everyone had to sing in front of the class, if it makes you more comfortable you could sing with someone else. I nod letting her know that I m ok with that. Good, well let s see who will I pick, ahh Mr.†¦show more content†¦I woke up this mornin And heard the TV sayin somethin About disaster in the world and It made me wonder where I m goin When he starts it s as if the class and everything stops, a couple of students gasp in shock, especially the Howard kid. Then I m like what, how can I beat that! There s so much darkness in the world But I see beauty left in you girl And what you give me lets me know That I ll be alright Cause if your love was all I had in this life Well that would be enough until the end of time So rest your weary heart and relax your mind Cause I m gonna love you girl until the end of time You got me singin oh yeah, oh yeah Everybody sing oh yeah Everybody singin oh yeah Now it s me next, taking deep breaths I close my eyes then I open them letting the lyrics spill from my mouth. Now if you re ever wonderin About the way I m feelin Well baby boy there ain t no question Just to be around you is a blessing Sick and tired of tryin to save the world I just wanna spend my time bein your girl And what you give me lets me know That we ll be alright The class cheers as I hit the high note just like Beyoncà © but she totally does it better. Cause if your love was all I had in this life That would be enough until the end of time Rest your weary heart and relax your mind Cause I m gonna love you boy until the end of time Boy you got me singin oh yeah You got me singin oh yeah, yeah Everybody singin Show MoreRelatedBook Review1483 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Show that you care† step. The author also is wonderful at gaining and maintaining the trust of her patients through â€Å"be[ing] sincere, polite, friendly, and engaging† (Du Pre 2017, p 116). She does this by relating to her patients through asking plenty of questions, being open minded, and giving her patients support and comfort. 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